‘Ello, ‘ello!  Thanks for stopping by.


The end of a year presents an excellent opportunity to pause for a while, and reflect on how you have done this past year. It’s the perfect time to look back on what you’ve done right this year, to learn from what you’ve done.  

Don’t have time to pause and reflect? Here’s why you must make time:

It helps you learn from your mistakes
Einstein said that “insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.”  Mistakes are a valuable learning tool, instead of something to feel embarrassed or upset about. Reflection is an important way to pinpoint mistakes made during the year in order to avoid them in the future.

It makes you happier
Reflection allows you to realise how much you’ve done right, the good things you’ve done in your life. Without reflection, it’s too easy to forget these things, and focus instead on failures.


It gives you perspective
If you take a minute to step back, and reflect on day-to-day problems, it’s easier to see how in the grand scheme of things they don’t mean all that much.  Reflection can calm us down and lower our stress levels. You gain perspective, and that’s a good thing.


1. Material prosperity

  • Did you achieve your desired net worth?
  • Did you achieve your desired income level?
  • Have you built the habit of spending less than you earn?
  • Have you been able to eliminate debt?
  • Have you built the habit of saving?
  • Have your career progressed as you wanted to?
  • Have you reduced your spending on some unnecessary expenses?


2. Spiritual prosperity

  • Have you found your life mission?
  • Did you feel fulfilled?
  • Could you honestly say that you are happy?
  • Have you built the necessary habits for spiritual growth


3. Physical prosperity

  • Have you built the habit of exercising?
  • Have you built the habit of consuming nutritious food?
  • Have you had good rest?
  • Did you feel physically fit in doing your daily work?


4. Social prosperity

  • Has your relationship with your spouse been as good as you wanted to?
  • Has your relationship with your family been as good as you wanted to?
  • Has your relationship with your friends been as good as you wanted to?
  • Did you make a lot of new friends?
  • Did you get to know people from more diverse backgrounds?


"The horizon is always just as far away no matter how far you travel. It is not until you turn around and look back over the distance you’ve come that you can appreciate the progress you have made.

"If you just keep setting new goals every year and not set aside time to stop, reflect and appreciate where you’ve been, your goals can become empty pursuits of achievement that not only add little to your experience of joy, but can actually reduce it."


John E. Groberg


“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, so I am changing myself.”



Contact Sonja 083 256-0378   |   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NEXT WEEK: Finding the elusive Work-Life Balance