Hello there!

I bet that one of the reasons you started your own business was to work manageable hours, have free time to spend with friends and family, as well as some time to set aside that is personally fulfilling. Right? And yet, you probably feel more like you are being pulled in multiple directions and only just hanging on. 


As daunting as this task may seem, a work-life balance is possible if you make a few simple changes in your life!


Here are ways guidelines steps you can take to reclaim your private life.  The good news is that it will also help your business by allowing you to recharge, rebuild your creativity, and return to work with a clear head and more positive outlook.


Prioritise and Plan

Decide what important is to you - both work-related and personal - and write it down.  Setting clear goals keeps you focused and in control.  By keeping them visible, effective decision-making is a breeze. Cut or delegate the rest of the busy-ness

Without planning ahead, you will be less productive in both work and personal aspects of your life.


Structural Engineering

Having a successful work-life balance is all about being flexible. In order to do that, you need a solid structure to keep your mind less cluttered, and on track with commitments at work and in your private life. Having schedules for yourself prevents your life from becoming chaotic.



Fearful that things will “fall apart” if you take a day off?  You need to learn the process of delegation.  Share work duties to lighten your load.


Be Negative

“It is only by saying NO that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”  Steve Jobs.


Remain Positive

Maintaining a successful work-life balance can be overwhelming at times, and the key then is to remain positive. Instead of lamenting all that you can’t manage – create encouraging mantras that you can repeat to yourself at times of stress.


Reward and Unplug

Everyone needs a break from obligations once in a while.  Establishing a good structure in your life makes it possible to reward yourself.  Take some time out with your friends and/or family where you aren’t monitoring your phone or email constantly for work messages.  This makes life more enjoyable – and you’ve earned it.


Enjoy the journey at home and at work.


For coaching on how to find this balance in YOUR circumstances, contact Sonja Shear


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