Archery* is the Olympic sport we are relating to running a business today. A medal-winning archer needs discipline, confidence, nerves of steel, and utter focus. 

Sounds familiar, right?

Conflict between our conscious desires and unconscious wants can lead to behaviours, thoughts, emotions, or actions that hold us back. These self-sabotage patterns work to protect us against disappointment. They also prevent us from reaching our goals. Culprits include:

  • Procrastination (sometimes disguised as perfectionism)
  • Being lazy
  • Negative thoughts or beliefs
  • Being critical of yourself and others
  • Not finishing projects
  • Comfort eating or drinking
  • Unnecessarily rushing 
  • Having unrealistic expectations
  • Impatience or frustration

Focusing on critical activities moves you towards your goals.  Every goal involves critical activities.  The problem is that many of us are guilty of wasting time doing things that are not critical.  While we may be able to convince ourselves that they are something we ‘need’ to do to be successful, usually these are things that are not critical.

Ways to Remain Focused

Take a break
This is where the discipline kicks in, as a break can easily stretch into slacking off. However, there is a reason it’s law to give employees breaks during the day – working without a break leads to poor judgement and errors. Each of us is unique, but ideally a proper break would involve some fresh air and bodily movement.

Re-inspire thyself
It is essential to take time out of your business because it indirectly helps you to be better IN it. As the business owner, it is vital that you are able to inspire your team. So find an activity that helps re-energises you to feel inspired again.

Eat that frog
Mark Twain famously said that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you. Brian Tracy used it as a time management technique. Having watched many gross-eating challenges on tv, it makes sense to set a timer, and add a time limit to getting these tedious tasks done.

Recycle impatience
Feeling impatient from somewhat unrealistic expectations? Try putting that energy back into your business.

For more information on how I can help you stay on track as you move from strive to thrive, please get in touch: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   |   083 256-0378
To find out more about archery, read my Note HERE

[*Women’s archery finals: 11 August. Men’s archery finals: 12 August.]