How often haven't you wished you "had eyes on the back of my head"? We have a better solution for you...
The human eye has been called the most complex organ in our body.

How the Human Eye Works

  1. Light is focused by the cornea
  2. The iris adjusts the size of the pupil to control the amount of light reaching the back of the eye.
  3. The eye's crystalline lens helps the eye focus on near and approaching objects.
  4. Light then reaches the retina which converts optical images into electronic signals.
  5. The optic nerve transmits these signals to the visual cortex — the part of the brain that controls our sense of sight.
  6.  And then things start to get interesting!

Anaïs Nin wisely pointed out that: "We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are."

And that’s not to say we don’t want to see things as they are.  It’s purely a human impossibility.  Because of the vast quantity of information bombarding our brains all the time (reported to be from 2 – 20 million bits per second), we simply have to apply a filter because our brains are designed to handle only 5 – 9 bits of information per second.  Our filter deletes a lot of the raw data, often distorts incoming info, and generalises out of sheer necessity.

The Secret Service is Watching
As business owners, we are not immune.  But it is vital that we look at our business through our customers’ eyes, because customer value creation, customer orientation, and customer experiences are the keys to success. 

Rethinking your business from the customers’ point of view turns your customers into a source of inspiration and development.  To really understand the customers’ world, it is important to ask; ‘what is the customer doing and what is relevant to their life and work?’Asking this question consistently:

It’s almost like a business insurance policy.
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