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Why CEO’s Need the help of a Business Coach

Whether it be a Business Coach or a Leadership and Executive coach, coaching will guide you to greater personal and business success. No matter how big or small your organisation is, leaders cannot work in isolation. They need the support of their colleagues and their teams for them to reach their business goals. When faced with challenges, it takes a great business owner or leader to recognise their shortcomings and look within when it comes to making changes to short or long-term strategies.

Life at the top can be lonely, no matter what type of leader you are. That is why you need a safe space where individuals can express their fears and concerns, vent their frustration and use you as a sounding board to bounce off their ideas. Your colleagues or teams may fear or sugar-coat their feedback to you, either for fear of saying the wrong thing or not having the right answers themselves. By appointing an experienced leadership and executive coach, you will enter this safe space where you can share your ideas, define your desires, express your vulnerability all without the fear of being judged or of letting your team down.
As a small to a medium-sized business owner, business coaching will serve to support you in making decisions that will lead to your growth and success. Your coach will assist you to focus firstly on your personal goals and objectives and then your business objectives and planned path to success. Your business coach will guide you in your business principles, help you clarify your goals and offer support in making the tough decisions.
Larger or corporate organisation's leaders or executives are faced with different challenges, often being responsible to shareholders or an executive board. Executive coaching focuses on being a supportive sounding board for executives and leaders. Your executive coach or leadership coach should have some level of experience within the executive space. This way, they can give you the support that they know you will need. Executives often have personal fears on presenting something to a board of directors, for fear of retribution if they get it wrong. Your Executive coach will help you play your idea out in your head, question you, push you and ensure you are challenging yourself.
It is the role of leadership and executive business coaches to provide clear, honest feedback. Your coach is not there to judge you. Yet, they are required to hold you responsible and accountable for the decisions you make and the action you take.
No matter what size or type of organisation you are in, as part of your leadership development, your coach should also focus on you getting a better understanding of yourself, by emphasising the importance of your self-awareness, emotional intelligence and social-awareness. Whether you like or believe in it or not, your leadership development process is as much about getting to know who you are, so that you can understand others and then get them to understand you.
So why do CEO's, C-Suite executive, and Business owners need business coaching? They need coaching to have a "right-hand man" to support them on their path to greater peace in themselves and success in their organisations.


Leadership Development

Emotional Intelligence



What Sets Her Apart?

With experience in driving change in herself and inspiring those around her.
Sonja has the ability to motivate you to achieve the results
you want in yourself and those around you 



Meet Sonja


 About Business Coaching and Consulting 


Emotional Intelligence Explained

Support and Guarantee

I know you have the ability to drive success in your business and yourself!
I commit to provoking your self belief and directing you on this journey.

I am 100% committed to you achieving success.



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