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Research has shown over and over again that high employee engagement is linked to better business results, ie $$$


Studies by Gallup Inc. – a global research-based, performance-management consultancy – has proven that engaged employees are:

more productive
more profitable
more customer-focused
more likely to resist temptations to leave 

According to Towers Watson - a global risk management and human resource consultancy – this in turn increases operating income and increases operating margins.  In their research,

“companies with an engaged workforce had up to THREE times higher operating margins over a twelve month period than those with disengaged employees.”


What Exactly Is Employee Engagement?

“Employee engagement” is different to “employee satisfaction.”
Engagement is transformational – involving the hearts, hands, and minds of the employees working together.  Satisfaction is a prerequisite to engagement. 

There are five essential elements of employee engagement:

there is personal reason, purpose, and fulfilment in an employee’s work that extends beyond simply putting in the time in exchange for the salary

employees are empowered to create and shape their roles and environment in ways that best match their talents and the needs of the business

employees have opportunities to be challenged and stretched within their roles – developing their strengths and learning new skills in order to reach professional goals

the results of employee efforts can be seen and are recognised as an accomplishment that aligns with the goals of the business

employees feel a direct relationship with their colleagues, the organisation, and the company culture

What Motivates Employees?

67%           praise from manager

63%           attention from leaders

62%           opportunities to lead

60%           cash bonus

52%           increase in pay

35%           stock options


Appreciation and recognition are major drivers in employee job satisfaction and happiness.

78% of people would work harder in their jobs if they were recognised

65% of working Americans say they receive no praise or recognition at work


The Bottom Line

There is 46% more employee turnover in companies that lack recognition.  Staff turnover on its own is costly.  On the other hand, companies where recognition occurs have 14% better employee engagement, productivity, and customer service than those without.

60% of people who don’t feel appreciated are looking for jobs

80% of those who feel appreciated are staying put


 “Awards, recognition, and praise might just be the single most cost-effective way to maintain a happy, productive workforce.”


                                                                                                                                 Wall Street Journal


Get in touch to keep your staff engaged - especially at this time of the year.
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