It is commonly believed that only 20 percent of employees in an organisation are dedicated and willing to go the extra mile. The remaining 80 percent of the employees are victims of the daily grind – uninspired and doing the bare minimum to earn a wage or salary.
While each establishment has its own atmosphere and attitudes; and while there are some employees who just want to do the minimum no matter what you do to motivate them – one of the best ways to spark a genuine enthusiasm in your staff is to value their input.
Energising through acknowledgement is successful because these elements are in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We humans need to activate our mental muscles, be part of an efficacious team, and be recognised for input.
Engaging with employees should result in a higher percentage of devotion to the business. How? People usually respond positively to respect because it promotes their self-esteem. High esteem spawns high morale, and high morale stimulates results. By positively valuing your employees’ input to business decisions, they become more woven into the very thread of the business.
For more information on how you can turn your business around, contact me for a free initial consultation.
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